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The Art of Intuitive Living

Tending the Roots to Rise in Life

A workshop to explore the roots of what allows us to authentically live our lives in harmony and joy, inspired and vital, and resilient in the face of stresses and challenges.

Together we will explore the following questions:

  • What is the role of intuition in living our best life and how can we develop our intuitive awareness?

  • How can we become master alchemists of our lives: transforming our difficulties & pain into our greatest strengths, igniting purpose and vitality?

  • What are the invisible systemic laws that govern our relationship to ourselves, others and Life itself and how can we align with them?

  • What does it mean to take my ‘’right place’’ in the greater tapestry of existence and how can I find it?

  • Are we caught in generational patterns of trauma and unrest, and if so, how do we break the cycle to usher in healing for ourselves and our ancestors?

  • How can we draw wisdom from the natural world to foster physical, emotional, and mental well-being?

This workshop offers an antidote to the afflictions of our time–be it anxiety and depression, isolation, stress and busy-ness, disconnection, lack of self worth, addiction or dis-ease.  Gain invaluable insights to support yourself, loved-ones, and clients, while deepening your understanding of yourself, relationships, and Life.

The path of intuitive living is a way of being in this world that allows you to relax and trust in yourself and Life, becoming fully present in each moment.

When living in presence, then we are truly living: alive, spontaneous, and in flow.

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This workshop offers the foundational principles of  the path of intuitive living in a way that can be integrated immediately. Whether you are new to self-care and inner work or you are a seasoned practitioner, you will receive wisdom applicable to your unique journey at this time. Intuitive knowing connects you to a source of deeper intelligence and is always providing you with what you need when you need it. 

Drawing from traditions such as the Diamond Approach, Essence Work, Systemic Family Constellations, and Yoga philosophy, this workshop blends theory with experiential learning. Through somatic awareness practices and guided meditations, you'll gain tools to access your intuition and awaken the creative power of the imagination for healing and transformation.

Living guided by our intuition holds the frequency of ease and abundance.

Learning to hear and rely on your intuition as a guide in caring for yourself and living your life is inherently relaxing and full of ease.  The standard paradigm of looking outside of yourself to experts, books, and techniques falls away and with it the frequency of scarcity that says you don’t have what you need, you don’t have enough,  and you are not enough as you are. You have enough and you are enough.


This workshop is for you if:

  • You are interested in developing your intuition and understanding what is blocking it.

  • You seek to live with more ease, joy, peace, purpose, and vitality.

  • You  struggle with anxiety, depression, stress, exhaustion, burnout, or other mental health challenges.

  • You are navigating a life transition like midlife, perimenopause or menopause, relationship closure, moving, changing jobs, death of a loved one.

  • You have or are in recovery from illness or live with chronic symptoms or physical challenges.

  • You are ready to break free from recurring patterns and embrace change.

  • You want to explore the power of the creative imagination in healing and manifestation.

Who is this workshop for?

Everyone, regardless of age or physical condition, is welcome. All you need is curiosity.

What is the format of the workshop?

There will be a teaching portion, various guided inner practices and some simple journaling exercises.  (Plus I reserve the right to adapt the format based on the intuitive flow in the moment, depending on the needs of the group present!)

Will there be physical practices like yoga?

The experiential parts of the workshop will be done sitting and standing, but if preferred all can be done seated.

What should I bring?

A notebook and pen and whatever you need to be comfortable and hydrated.

Is there any prior knowledge or prerequisite necessary to attend?


Your Guide

Sheila Chacko

Yoga and meditation teacher, holistic counselor with a focus on somatics & systemic family constellations, and specialist in women’s spirituality. A yogini of 20 years Sheila considers the wisdom of direct experience to be the most potent teacher and she empowers her students and clients to hone their skills of inner listening to be able to tap into their own inner guidance and power.


With Indian and American origins, she is literally a bridge between the East and West and her work is a testament to the harmonious blending of Eastern spiritual teachings on awareness and western psychological and somatic approaches. 


She is the mother of two children and considers mothering to be one of her greatest teachers.  She lives with her family in Umbria, Italy.

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brown tree
Sheila Chacko

Dates & Booking

When: to be announced

Where: Online

Sacred Waters Sanctuary​

5:30-8:30 pm​

tickets available soon

If you want to bring this workshop to your area or you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via the contact form below.



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